Sunday, May 30, 2010


Good morning! I decided to not be all wordy this week, and just give you some visual inspiration:

You can choose to be inspired by the feelings this picture evokes, by the colors/shapes/patterns, by the theme - totally up to you! I love this picture enough that I've made it the desktop wallpaper on my computer...

My project isn't quite finished (sorry), so I'll post it a bit later, along with Mr. Linky. Have a wonderful day, and I can't wait to see what you come up with this week!

Edited to add: Still not finished with my project, but here's Mr. Linky, anyway:


Kristen H said...

beautiful photo. I used it in my card! I love the ocean or any kind of big water. I have lived within a half hour of Lake Michigan my whole life, and you can't see the other shore, so it is similar to looking out over the ocean. Except the smell is different.

wintam said...

I love the colors in this photo... it makes me take a deep breath and smell the fresh air...I'm sure you'll find in it the inspiration you're looking for...